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Electric Wright Stuff B/C [Trial]

Posted: October 31st, 2010, 5:28 pm
by Jim_R
Discussion for Electric Wright Stuff, a Trial event in Illinois and possibly other states.

Re: Electric Wright Stuff B/C [Trial]

Posted: October 31st, 2010, 6:42 pm
by jander14indoor
Pointer to rules??

Jeff Anderson
Livonia, MI

Re: Electric Wright Stuff B/C [Trial]

Posted: October 31st, 2010, 6:51 pm
by lllazar ... acitor.pdf

Here you are sir, i'd appreciate any guidance you can provide on this event as me and my partner are pretty excited to do this at state.

Re: Electric Wright Stuff B/C [Trial]

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 11:09 am
by illusionist
This looks really interesting, I wish we had it in our state. Jeff, do you know if we have it in Michigan?

Re: Electric Wright Stuff B/C [Trial]

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 3:52 pm
by jander14indoor
Not currently, but we might consider it, especially if its on track to be a national event.

I will say I'm out of date in electronics. I saw the 10F capacitor and about fell out of my chair. In college physics low these many, many, many years ago the prof charged up a 1/4 F capacitor that was HUGE, and about killed himself when he accidentally discharged it. Gave me a healthy respect for capacitors. But when I looked it up, found 10 F capacitors rated 2-3 volts for a few bucks and they didn't looked real usable. Question, do those things self destruct if excess voltage applied to protect foolish users? How dangerous is a 6 volt, or 12 volt charge, say?

Other question, why pusher only?? Why dictate that design limit? I know most I've seen are pushers, but no sure why it needs to be in the rules?


Jeff Anderson
Livonia, MI

Re: Electric Wright Stuff B/C [Trial]

Posted: November 2nd, 2010, 4:55 pm
by calgoddard

Just a guess, but I am thinking the pusher rule is intended to reduce the risk that the delicate electric motor and/or its drive train are not damaged during a crash or when landing.

Re: Electric Wright Stuff B/C [Trial]

Posted: November 3rd, 2010, 3:37 am
by jander14indoor
That's called a learning experience, not needed in the rules.

Another followup question, have the authors of the event built any of these planes and what do you expect typical good flight times to be?


Jeff Anderson
Livonia, MI

Re: Electric Wright Stuff B/C [Trial]

Posted: January 16th, 2011, 3:34 pm
by joester
There is a local club here in upstate NY that has been doing planes similar to this for many years now. They also have R/C capacitor powered planes. A bit expensive, but VERY COOL.
If E-Wright ever comes to NY, we'll know where to go for advice!

jandor- read the rules link above. The authors provide the information you want towards the end.

Electric Wright Stuff = too expensive

Posted: March 22nd, 2011, 4:03 pm
by wlsguy
Since this is being run at the Natl tournement and could become a real event, I decided to investigate the cost and feasibility.

It was advertised as an alternative to WS with a lower cost.
The costs for the components for 1 airplane for Electric WS (for C) would be:
Airframe= same cost as WS
Capaciter= $8 each ... 2ufgvnfqk5
Gearbox = $13 each
Motor= $4 each
Propeller= $4 each
TOTAL = $29/ plane x 2 planes (minimum) per team

Since C division would be coming off of rubber band helicopters, most teams will already have the needed supplies (rubber, winder, torque meter) to move to some sort of rubber band Wright Stuff without the extra expense of paying $29 for each plane they want to fly.

I guess my opinion is that Electric WS is too expensive and does not have any advantages over regular WS.
It is not cheaper as advertised. If you agree, urge your State Directors to push for some sort of "regular" WS and save the teams some money.
Thank you

Re: Electric Wright Stuff B/C [Trial]

Posted: March 22nd, 2011, 4:38 pm
by Littleboy
Um… wright stuff can get really expensive too. And no C person would have a good sized rubber since heli requires thicker rubber. All they would have is wood and the winder/torch meter. Div B would have most/all of that stuff left from last year with wright stuff though…