Model This

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Model This is a former National trial event that bears some similarity to Compute This.

Event Overview

This event integrates computer technology, the Internet, quantitative data analysis, and computer modeling software. Teams are presented with a problem that requires modifying or creating a Vensim PLE computer model to represent the scenario presented. Short answer questions related to the problem are also included. Complete rules for Model This may be found here.

Event Parameters

Blank tablet paper and writing instruments may be used but are not required. More importantly, teams may create their own public websites to organize URLs and other information.

Focus Topic

For 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, the Model This event required the development of an original or modification of an existing Vensim predator-prey population model to reflect specific predator-prey information supplied during the competition.

Example Problem

The recent outbreak of the swine flu virus has exposed several weaknesses in the world’s ability to respond to the sudden emergence of a widespread illness. Computer models can be used to test prevention and treatment strategies with normal and at-risk populations. For background information about the swine flu, see this, this, this, and this. Prior to the competition, students should download NetLogo here. The NetLogo Models Library has a variety of disease models that will help the students prepare for the competition.

More Information

Model This Introduction
Model This Resources and Examples

2010 National Tournament Trial Events
Division B: Helicopter · Model This · Optics | Division C: Helicopter · Protein Modeling · Sumo Bots