Compute This

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Revision as of 01:54, 10 November 2010 by Zyzzyva98 (talk | contribs) (Cleanup and Update for 2011. Will likely need to update "Tough Stuff in Excel" images to match domain)
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Compute This requires both the ability to locate information in a given domain and, using Microsoft Excel, to interpret data found, as well as finding the answers to short answer questions. You are given a total of 50 minutes to finish the event, with a 10 minute introduction at the beginning. You may have teams of up to 2.

This Year the site is

General Advice:

The only way to "study" for Compute This is to practice. You'll need to be able to find the information (both the data and the short answers) quickly; finding the data at the last minute with few questions done and an entire spreadsheet to do is not a situation you want to be in.

Becoming familiar with the domain gives you a better idea of the search terms you'll want to use when searching for the answers. Pick your favorite search engine and learn how to search within only a given domain. For example, to restrict the site to "" in Google, you would type your search terms followed by "" (You can learn more about better searching at Google Guide ). Your search will then only return pages within the Noaa domain.

Test Overview

Generally, Compute This tests consist of finding information about a certain topic on, followed by creating a data table of information and a graph pertaining to the data table on Microsoft Excel. The last part consists of answering questions about the NOAA links and citing the sources with a hyperlink on Microsoft Word. Depending on the location either Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007 may be used. A mac platform can be used but it is required that teams are informed first.

Programs Used

For 2011 B division, you are supplied with a Windows computer that has Microsoft Office 2007 and Internet Explorer 7 or 8. The operating system and web browser often depend on the location. For example, at the NY state competition for 2009, they had Mozilla Firefox in addition to IE, and at PA states 2009, competitors were given a choice between Firefox and IE for web browser and a choice between Windows and Mac OS. You are allowed to use programs such as Notepad or the Calculator. If Mac OS is going to be the only operating system available, competitions are required to give competitors notice before the competition.

Make sure that at least one of the two members knows Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel thoroughly and knows how to get around. Be sure to know how to organize data, as this is much of the event. Know how to create and edit ALL of the basic charts. This includes all of the Column charts (2-D, 3-D, Cylinder, Cone, Pyramid), Line (2-D, 3-D), Pie (2-D, 3-D), Bar (2-D, 3-D, Cylinder, Cone, Pyramid), Area (2-D, 3-D), and Scatter. The ones used most often are Line, Bar, Column, and Pie charts, but any can be used. Be sure to know how to add a data table, label axes, add a title, etc.


Microsoft Office Excel creates documents called spreadsheets. These are widely used to analyze data. Excel has the ability to make calculations in formulas that can use operators called functions, as well as your standard add, subtract, multiply, and divide. It does all of its operations in the grid- each individual box is a cell, with an identifying alphanumeric coordinate. Columns are letters, rows numbers- thus the cell in the column C in row 5 has the coordinate C5.

So, say we have two cells, A1 and A2. A1 contains the number 45, and A2 the number 5.32. I want to do something with them, so I select an empty cell, C3. To signal to Excel that I want to create a formula, I begin by typing an equals sign. Then, if I want to add the two together, I enter A1+A2. In the cell now should be “=A1+A2”. I hit enter, and Excel takes the values from A1 and A2 and adds them together. I can do the same for any other basic math operation; be warned, multiplication is not “x”. Multiplication is *, division is /. I could also just do “=45+5.32”, but the other way allows me change the original numbers without changing the formula.

But what if I want to take the average of the two numbers? I could write a cell “=(A1+A2)/2”, but that’s extra work, and if I want to add another number, I have to change both parts of the formula. Instead, I can use a function. In this case, the average function. Functions have a given syntax, or the required way that you need to enter the data into it. Once I type in “=Average(A1, A2)”, it will calculate the average. If I have another number in A3, I can simply do “=Average(A1, A2, A3)”.

The Excel help file lists the syntax as AVERAGE(number1, [number2], ...). First, it gives me what I need to type before I open the parenthesis to signal the proper function (in this case AVERAGE). After I open the parenthesis, I enter at least one number. Any items within brackets [ ] are optional. So I could take the average of one number, but why would I do that? Probably I’ll want even more than two. Thus, the ellipsis. It means that I can continue to add terms ad infinitum in the same way to get the average of all those terms. I then close the parenthesis when I have completed the function. Once you understand the logic behind the syntax, you can figure out any of the functions listed in the Excel help file. It is even possible to create formulas of multiple functions at once and formulas with functions within functions. But remember, you only ever need to put the opening equals sign at the beginning of the formula, not at the beginning of each separate function.

Tough Stuff in Excel

Sometimes you will find a test that says "line on two axis" and ask yourself, "What the heck is that???" Follow this simple guide (with pictures!!) to learn. NOTES: In this example, I use Office 2007, but older versions shouldn't be too different. I made a simple graph of the 4 inner planets, their revolution period, and distance from the sun. We want the distance from the sun to be a bar graph, and the revolution period to be a line graph.

1.Make your graph. First you need data to input, right? In this case we have the four inner planets, their rotation period, and distance from the sun.

Ct guide pic1.jpg

2.Turn it into a chart. Highlight your chart, then click on insert-->column to make your chart.

Ct guide pic2.jpg
Ct guide pic3.jpg

3.Separate the second data set Click on the chart, and something new appears: cart tools. Click on layout, and over to the far left, you will see "cart area". Change this to the data set you want to change; in this case, distance. After you have done this, click on "Format Selection" and a new window will appear. Just select "secondary axis", and click ok.

Ct guide pic4.jpg
Ct guide pic5.jpg

4.Change appearance You're almost done! Now click on "Design", and then "Change Chart Type". Select the data type you want, in this case Line, and click o.k. You're done!

Ct guide pic6.jpg
Ct guide pic7.jpg


The main tiebreaker for this event is the graphical appeal. Although this may seem a bit silly, it does seem logical if you think about it. The judges want to see something that feels good on the eyes, pops out a little, and is easy to understand. This includes giving some "spice" (color) to your graph, making sure nothing on your graph is clumped together that it is hard to read, or even changing the font size/style of the title or axes. Make your graph large enough so that it is easy to tell the difference between and O and a 0. Make sure that the data table has gridlines, the data is the same font size and style, and keep everything neat. However, this tiebreaker may have some problems. At some competitions the files are in "Compatibility Mode" which does not allow color changing and many other features due to a "loss of compatibility" according to the error message


It is a very good idea to have your own website for this event. The reason for this is that you can put as many links as you want on your website leading to pages on the domain, and you'll save time on having to go through and try to find the data at the event. On the day of the competition, your website must not be protected by a password. To make a website, google pages and synthasite are nice, simple websites. Try to organize your website so that it has categories and subcategories so that it is very easy to navigate around.

Website Creation

There are a few ways to create your website some examples are:

Google Sites which allows you create nice looking sites for free

Freewebs is another free site creater/hoster it also can be used to create nice looking sites but also allows for plain HTML site creation as well

Downgrading a Freewebs/Webs Account

To downgrade a freewebs account for plain HTML go to Site Settings in the bottom Bar of your Site Manager


Than you will get this page


you are looking for the highlighted box which has


click the downgrade this account.


Beginnings of HTML

Now that you have a website host you can decide how you are going to create your webpage. There are two easy ways to do this. You can either just use the tools they provide- which is good if you want an easy and quick way to build your site- or you can use HTML and code the website. You may learn something this way but it also takes a bit of time to learn.

W3schools is the best HTML tutorial I have seen


HTML is the Hyper Text Markup Language and is what almost every webpage is created/based off of. There are very few tags (a tag is tells your web browser how to operate) you need for your website. HTML can be written in any text editor like Notepad or MS-word as long as you save the file as .html


All tags have an opening(<) and closing(>) bracket. We will use the paragraph(<p>) tag as an example. <p> starts the area where writing will show up and </p> ends that area The following are the basic tags you will need

<html></html> This will show the start of a html page

<body></body> This shows where the body of your html page starts

<p></p> This shows where writing will occur

<a href="">hyperlink</a> This is how to display a link on your site

<h1></h1> This is how to show a title on your site

A Page

So now that the basic tags have been covered lets start a page. IF you want to follow along just open notepad or your beloved text editor. Lets start with the basics of a page





So if you typed that in your HTML page wouldn't do anything because there is no content.

You can add content, like a paragraph, like this:



<p>This is my first paragraph</p>



That would have written a page with just "This is my first paragraph" on it

You can add links to pages like this:



<p> <a href="link here">Name of link</a>

<a href="link here">Name of link</a>




So now instead of "This is my first paragraph" this page would display 2 "Name of link" with the name taking you to the link

Even with just a few links it gets annoying to read through each link title so let's group them into a titled section. You can also add breaks between lines for easier reading with <br>

You can add headings with <h6></h6>, but you can replace the 6 with another number to signify the importance of that heading. <html>



<h1>Link Group1</h1>

<a href="link here">Name of link</a>


<a href="link here">Name of link</a>

<h1>Link Group2</h1>

<a href="link here">Name of link</a>


<a href="link here">Name of link</a>




This page would show up as two Titles with two links beneath each one and breaks between the links.

An example of a sites code Examplehtml.jpeg

Using Search Engines

You will need to know how to use search engines efficiently. While has its own search engine, you may find that using a general search engine such as Google or Bing yields better results. Here are a few tips:

  1. Search one domain. Use the "site:" tool to search one domain. For example, searching " Hurricane Katrina statistics" will give you results from only the domain.
  2. Use full sentences Sometimes you want to find words that are next to each other. When you want to do this, use quotes. For example, searching " "Hurricane Katrina" " will give you results with the words "Hurricane" and "Katrina" together.
  3. Be logical Use logical operators. Those are AND, OR, and NOT. Searching " "Hurricane Katrina" AND statistics NOT images" will give you results with the words "Hurricane Katrina" and the word "statistics", but not the word "images". Too much info? Just click "advanced search" and all the keywords will be filled in for you.
  4. Be quick. This is self-explanatory. Search as fast as you can, but not too fast so that you miss anything. If you don't find something on the first page, it's probably time to revise your search. Remember, you only have 50 minutes, don't waste them going through 10 pages of useless information. Here are some other time cutting tips:
    1. Useless words Most search engines ignore words like "of", "is", "the", and so on. So "statistics of Hurricane Katrina" yields the same results as "statistics Hurricane Katrina".
    2. CaSe SeNSiTiVe Search engines aren't case sensitive, so "Hurricane Katrina statistics" will yield the same results as "hurricane katrina statistics".
    3. Order of Words Word order doesn't matter, so "Katrina statistics hurricane" will give the same results as "Hurricane Katrina statistics".
  5. Pick your favorite. Can't decide which one you like best? You can pick the one best suited to your needs at this search engine test site.

Day of the Event

When you are actually in the room taking the exam there are some very important things to consider as you work through the task:

  • Read the Directions including the rubric (once, twice, it's worth the time) Your proctor may even give a reading period and if so, you need to use it.
  • Identify the problems that may take longer and also the problems that you can solve quickly. You do not have to create your graph and data table before the questions. These questions are generally half your score and may be much easier to find and possibly even lead you to find the major data for your graph. This is why you should read the rubric if it's provided and know the point may even get points for a blank graph that has an appropriate title.
  • Don't Panic and get as many points as you can in the time allowed. If you have practiced searching for data and know Excel and Word you will do fine.
  • If a search isn't working, change the terms...a good rule of thumb is that if there is nothing in the first few results, move on to new search terms.
  • Use your partner, because the person sitting next to you can think of new search terms, write down data to be transferred, etc. Your partner can also be especially useful in reading directions and making sure you didn't miss anything (this is key for graphs--as the proctor may want data in alphabetical order or in another order that is not always typical). Know your partner and work well with them. Having an enemy as a partner is not going to be helpful.
  • Read everything on the exam sheet. Make sure you do not forget to put on axis labels, put data in the correct order, or add hyperlinks to the sites you used. This especially applies to the graph portion of the test. You do not want to lose points for things that could have been done quickly and easily if you had read the test.

Make sure your partner reads over EVERYTHING that you have entered into the data table, the graph, and the short answer questions. Keep working, even up to the last second. Use the tiebreaker (graphical appeal) to your advantage.

Study Sites:

Excel 2007

Excel tutorial

Google Guide

Microsoft Excel tutorials

Practice Questions

2003 Nationals Test

Compute This 2006 -1

Compute This 2006 -2

Compute This 2006 -3

New England Landing

Pinot Noir Grape Harvest

Tree Rings

This Year's Site

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Previous Years' Domains:

2010- NASA

2009- USGS

2006- NOAA

2005- NASA