Mission Possible B

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This page is about the Mission Possible competition for the B Division. To find more about the basic competition, go to the main Mission Possible page. Template:EventLinksBox

Mission Possible B is an event in which teams make a Rube Goldberg device which uses certain tasks and runs as close as possible to the ideal time to gain the maximum number of points.


Mission Possible is all about using simple machines to create a chain reaction, using a number of tasks designated by the rules to achieve the maximum points.

This type of machine is called a Rube Goldberg device. A man named Rube Goldberg made up this type of machine, and so it was named after him. A Rube Goldberg machine basically invents a way to finish an often simple task in a very complicated fashion.

For example, a machine might start with the opening task, which is dropping a quarter. The dropping of the quarter might land on a switch, which might start a motor turning that will wind a string that pulls an object a few centimeters. The pulling of the object a few centimeters would hit a lever which would open a flap that would allow a ball to roll down a ramp, hitting a mousetrap that would then release a string with a weight on it, which would hit another lever and raise an object, and so on and so forth until you reach the final task, which is raising a 9V battery and up to an optional 10 dominoes onto a platform higher than the rest of the device. This is a frustrating event at times, since it requires a lot of testing and tweaking.

The challenging part of this event is not to build the machine, but to make it reliable so it works every time. Since it is not ideal for anything to have to intervene after the reaction is started, the reaction should seamlessly work on its own every time.

Things to Keep in Mind While Building

1. Make sure to label each task within your machine with little pieces of paper. That's a requirement!

2. The simple machines of the same type do not have to be unique. Note that consecutive machines of the same type (even though unique) still only count as one machine.

3. Make sure to meet the general requirements, since failure to do so is a severe penalty (you will be placed in the second tier). Make sure that all parts of the device, including the outer walls and base plate fall within the legal dimensions of the device.

4. Be safe by using a mechanical timer, so that you can fall as close to the ideal time as possible. One method would be to use a long screw to eat up time. This way, you can adjust the time it might take to finish that particular task.

5. You cannot use any loops or parallel paths in the device. Make sure that the action is linear from start to finish.

6. The highest part of the device automatically designates the top boundary of the device.

7. You can start and set parts of the device operating before the pulling of the string (such as pendulums, springs, etc.).

8. You cannot touch the device after it has been started without losing points. This is why the reliability of the machine is important, so you do not have to intervene in the middle.

9. Don't forget your TSL! It is required, and gives easy points.

10. Remember that you will probably lose any positive points for time if your device fails to complete the task, but continues to operate.

11. Try to stay within the ideal time, but if that is not possible, better have it finish than fail!


1. Know your task sequence list as well as you know the rules. Be able to explain everything.

2. Go with the simplest way possible. Don't over-complicate things, creating more room for failure. Also, build things with a durability factor. There is more reliability this way.

3. Draw all your designs and keep them together in case something doesn't work and you need to build something new.

4. Prepare for every scenario you can think of. Bring just-in-case items like tools or extra materials you need, but don't go overboard.

5. Test your device prior to competition many, MANY times--do not just build it and bring it in.

6. Always allow room for improvement. You don't need to have the box state-ready if you don't need it to be that good at Regionals. This will reduce the chance of failure if you keep it simple.

7. Practice with your partners and make sure that they know what they're doing!

8. You can use small pieces from Erector sets or Lego sets to get gears (not legal for some tasks), pulleys, and plates of metal with holes pre-drilled.

9. KISS! Keep it simple, stupid. This has been mentioned many times but it can not be stressed enough. Yes, domino trains are cool. Baking soda and vinegar inflating balloons is even cooler. However, they don't count for anything except maybe time (but there are easier ways to make your device go longer), and they affect the reliability factor of your machine. Stay with safer transfers and the tasks listed in the rules.

10. Double check to see if you have everything! It's bad if you realize you forgot your TSL back at your home state at Nationals!

11. Devise a system in which each of the people on the event have a designated part in setting up the machine, so that you can be ready as quickly as possible.

12. And last but not least, KNOW THE RULES. You can even tape them to your box if the event supervisor doesn't agree with something in your device to back yourself up.

See Also